Gu Ge announces quanta computer new breakthrough: Classical super- calculate the job that wants 47 y


On July 5 message, cereal song scientist was released on ArXiv platform recently beforehand printed books paper, express to obtain major breakthrough in quanta computer respect, a classical and super computer can be finished to need the computational job that ability finishs 47 years inside a few seconds.

Gu Ge rolled out 53 quanta 2019 Sycamore processor, and this second experiment upgraded further Sycamore processor, already promoted achieve 70 quanta.

Gu Ge expresses to upgrade after Sycamore processor, although get the influence of the other element such as time of be concerned with, its function is 241 million times of the version before this.

In the experiment, scientists executed mission of random circuit sampling. In quanta computation, this involves the function that will check quanta computer through running random circuit and analytic result output, in order to evaluate the ability that its are solving complex issue respect and efficiency.

Gu Ge states the most advanced super computer Frontier inside course of study needs the job that ability computation finishs 47.2 years, 53 quanta Sycamore processor needs 6.18 seconds to be able to be finished only, and new edition 70 quanta Sycamore processor rate is rapidder.