Discuss the 5G effect to content couplet net


Content couplet net (IoT) is developing quickly, burgeoning network and equipment are weighing model industry and daily life. Leading what this changes is next generation wireless technology 5G, its hopeful changes bureau of content couplet reseau thoroughly with its unapproachable join sex, speed and capacity.

Content couplet net (IoT) is developing quickly, burgeoning network and equipment are weighing model industry and daily life. Leading what this changes is next generation wireless technology 5G, its hopeful changes bureau of content couplet reseau thoroughly with its unapproachable join sex, speed and capacity.

We had witnessed 5G to be opposite content couplet net ecosystem the far-reaching influence of each domains. In industrial environment, it serves as " intelligence is lived in " the pillar of type monitoring, control and automation, without seam compositive " intelligent equipment " live in order to realize interconnection. In addition, long-range wide area newwork (the compensatory network technology such as LoRaWAN) is muti_function join of content couplet net gives way, promote the real time monitoring of remote region, farm and urban environment.

Change shirt-sleevely force

5G is in the respect of equipment of content couplet network with amount of faster speed join more has revolutionary capacity, initiated the new era of the least delay, showing the user that enhanced Wu of kimono of all sorts of application processes, equipment to experience. No less than loves to establish a letter to emphasize in a report in that way, to 2027, the deploy of 5G network predicts to will drive net of beehive content couplet to join the amount achieves about 4.4 billion, a when this is indicating 5G and content couplet net are shirt-sleeve important milestone. This kind of collect is become change Wu of kimono of sexual application process brought tremendous potential, promoted the occurrence of new business mode, improved productivity, promoted the digital innovation that crosses a trade.

Intelligence is lived in

The concept of net of domestic thing couplet is developing steadily all the time, but the occurrence as 5G technology, it is about to realize giant leap. As 5G network ceaseless and patulous, they are bringing next generation to join for our family, change we and intelligent equipment thoroughly interactive means, restore our life space to be the environment of high interconnection.

The element of a crucial drive of backside of this one change is 5G compositive in broadband join, include to secure wireless receive join with beehive. The tall data that depends on 5G is transmission speed, low defer and increasing network size, we can solve the content couplet net that locks up a large number of innovation to apply kimono Wu.

Intelligent constant temperature implement: Intelligent constant temperature implement the remote programmed control that uses 5G to realize even fetch domestic temperature to install is made and attemper, offer energy efficiency and convenience sex.

How does intelligence defend a system: How does the intelligence of 5G drive defend a system compositive safety is photographed photograph like head, doorbell wait for equipment of all sorts of content couplet network like head and athletic sensor, offer buildup domestic security and monitoring through real time monitoring and alarm.

Intelligent illume: Intelligent system uses 5G to connect fetch control and automation family illume, allow an user to use shift to equipment adjusts brightness, color and found schedule or setting.

Intelligent home appliance: Support the intelligent home appliance of 5G, be like freezer, washing machine and dryer, offer advanced function and join sex, allow to use a long-range monitoring and control its equipment, receive an announcement, order groceries from freezer directly even.

Intelligent speech assistant: Equipment is compositive 5G join, offer speech pilot intelligence to live in automation, make the user can command control through speech equipment of all sorts of content couplet network, broadcast music, get weather to update etc.

Net of couplet of industrial other people: Promote automation and efficiency:

5G technology is in of domain of net of couplet of industrial other people compositive will produce main effect, bring significant progress. Through using tall data rate, low defer and extensive equipment connection, industrial environment will be controlled monitoring, accurately from real time and can improve without the acquired character in seaming automation.

Manufacturing industry: Of 5G and content couplet net compositive the development that is helpful for intelligent factory, chime of real time communication makes machine, equipment and sensor, optimize pull current Cheng, reduce machine down time and improve integral operation efficiency. Through using this kind of power, our aux will be able to is founded quite exceed the system that answer and interrelates, with promoting a machine forecast a gender to safeguard, long-range monitoring and own control.

Carry and content flows: The real time to car, freight and other asset dogs and monitoring can bring more efficient motorcade to manage a solution, optimize a course and rise supply catenary to be able to inspect a gender.

The sources of energy: The application of content couplet net of 5G drive can come true to be mixed to electrified wire netting but the long-range monitoring of the crucial infrastructure such as system of second birth the sources of energy and control. This will drive intelligence energy management, forecast a gender to safeguard and answer more quickly to potential problem.

Other: The low defer function of 5G can realize real time decision-making with control, this sensitive to time application process is crucial. For example, in robot and automation domain, 5G conduces to a robot be controlled accurately and be being coordinated of the system, make they can carry out complex task with the least delay. This is make independently, the progress of the domain such as synergic robot and mechanical and long-range operation levelled road.

LoRaWAN: In different environment muti_function join of content couplet net

Although 5G predicts to will become the dominant force of domain of content couplet net, but still other network technology can complement its function. LoRaWAN is among them a technology, it is wide area newwork of a kind of low power comsumption (LPWAN) agreement, design for the long-range communication of low data rate only. Its unique character makes its suit the application of farm and remote region, city district.

Country and remote region: LoRaWAN monitors the respect such as edaphic humidity and ambient conditions to producing crucial effect in real time. Farmer and agricultural professional can manage their wretched situation remotely, optimize irrigate politic and utmost land raises crop yield.

Urban environment: LoRaWAN supports wisdom city to plan medium application. It supports intelligence to jockey of the system carry out, make the driver can find practicable parking space to reduce traffic to embrace quickly. It still manages in trash, optimize trash to collect course and raise operation efficiency respect to producing main effect. In addition, it still can promote asset to dog, make enterprise can real time monitoring is valuable the shift of asset and position.


The confluence of content couplet net and 5G technology brought tremendous opportunity to drive innovation and the future that shape interconnection. When we embrace the latent capacity of 5G, the foremost edge that park of this kind of transition we did not plan is crucial. 5G offers without seam, the life that efficient join will portray us and working way, the progress of technology of net of the couplet that it is content and the daily life that its blend in us bring infinite opportunity.

Author: Emily Main