Chinese letter connects a courtyard to release quality of mobile network of newest whole nation to m


Believe the authoritative information that connect a courtyard according to China, qin Yan of standing deputy secretary-general is in phalanx of navigate of mobile network quality to be sponsorred jointly by this unit and academy of Chinese information communication " high quality of the 2nd mobile network develops forum " on released " 2023 quality of countrywide mobile network monitors a report first quarter " .

The report shows, 2023 first quarter, construction of infrastructure of our country network is advanced steadily, 5G network joins user dimensions expands continuously, mobile Internet receives discharge to maintain rapidder growth, for economic society high quality development was offerred strong prop up.

This period report main statistic result is as follows:

Be issued to lower levels of countrywide 5G network and go up to all be worth receive rate to be 348.31Mbps and 80.40Mbps respectively.

Be issued to lower levels of countrywide 4G network and go up to all be worth receive rate to be 48.57Mbps and 28.51Mbps respectively.

According to introducing, the whole nation in platform statistic is all and effective in checking sample, 5G network be issued to lower levels receives what achieve 100Mbps into rate to occupy than for 96.22% , 4G network be issued to lower levels receives what achieve 10Mbps into rate to occupy than for 95.14% , delay when 5G network under 100ms occupy than for 96.01% .

From the point of various places, 5G network be issued to lower levels all is worth those who receive rate to precede is area of the eastpart part, going up to all be worth those who receive rate to precede is northeast area; 4G network be issued to lower levels all is worth those who receive rate to precede is area of the eastpart part, going up to all be worth those who receive rate to precede is mid area.

From the point of each telegraphic operation enterprise, 5G network be issued to lower levels all is worth those who receive rate to precede is Chinese shift, going up to all be worth those who receive rate to precede is Chinese UniCom; 4G network be issued to lower levels all is worth receive rate and go up to all be worth receive those who precede to all be Chinese UniCom.

Believe a newest data according to labour, extend from June 6, 2019 5G license plate up to now, our country already built the 5G network with global the largest scale, build in all share lead ceaseless also promotion. At present our country 5G base station gross amounts to 2.733 million, network dimensions whole world the first, and 5G application already was blended in nearly 6 become kinds national economy is old.

Be versed in letter ministry points out: Current, 5G applies 60 in already blending in kinds 97 countrymans economy is old, applied case number exceeds 50 thousand. Accumulative total of fundamental telecommunication industry invests network of 5G of nearly 600 billion yuan of construction, drive economy to always yield directly about 3.8 trillion yuan, drive secondhand always yield about 9.4 trillion yuan, strong promoted digital economy development.